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Advancing Smiles With Surgical Orthodontics In Rochester

Surgical Orthodontics in Rochester

Orthodontic treatment is often associated with braces, aligners, and other non-surgical methods to correct misaligned teeth and bites. However, in some cases, orthodontic issues are too complex to be fully addressed with these traditional methods alone. That’s where surgical orthodontics, also known as orthognathic surgery, comes into play. In Rochester, surgical orthodontics is advancing smiles and transforming lives by combining surgical and orthodontic techniques to achieve optimal results. In this article, we’ll explore the role of surgical orthodontics and how it can benefit individuals with complex dental and skeletal issues.

What Is Surgical Orthodontics?

Surgical orthodontics is a specialized field that focuses on correcting severe misalignments of the jaw and bite that cannot be fully resolved with braces or other non-surgical orthodontic treatments. It involves a combination of orthodontic treatment and oral surgery to address both dental and skeletal issues.

When Is Surgical Orthodontics Necessary?

Surgical orthodontics may be recommended in cases where:

Severe Malocclusions:

Individuals with significant underbites, overbites, open bites, or crossbites that cannot be corrected with braces alone may benefit from surgical orthodontics.

Jaw Irregularities:

Conditions like jaw asymmetry or severe misalignment of the upper and lower jaws may require surgical correction.

Breathing and Speech Issues:

Severe jaw misalignments can lead to breathing difficulties and speech problems, which may be alleviated through orthognathic surgery.

Facial Aesthetics:

Surgical orthodontics can improve facial aesthetics by addressing skeletal issues that contribute to an unbalanced or disproportionate facial appearance.

The Process of Surgical Orthodontics:

Initial Assessment:

The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation by an orthodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. They work together to assess the nature and severity of the orthodontic and skeletal issues.

Orthodontic Treatment:

Before surgery, patients undergo a period of pre-surgical orthodontic treatment, which may involve braces or other orthodontic appliances. This helps align the teeth as closely as possible before the surgical phase.

Surgical Planning:

Based on the assessment, a detailed treatment plan is created. This plan outlines the surgical procedures required to reposition the jaw and correct the bite.

Orthognathic Surgery:

The surgical phase involves carefully planned procedures to reposition the upper and lower jaws. These surgeries are performed in a hospital or surgical center and require a recovery period.

Post-Surgical Orthodontics:

After the surgical phase, patients continue orthodontic treatment to fine-tune the alignment of the teeth and bite. This phase is critical for achieving optimal results.

Long-Term Follow-Up:

Patients are closely monitored in the months and years following surgery to ensure that the results are stable and the bite remains aligned.

Benefits of Surgical Orthodontics:

Corrects Complex Issues:

Surgical orthodontics can successfully address complex dental and skeletal problems that cannot be resolved with traditional orthodontic treatment alone.

Improved Function:

Correcting misaligned jaws and bites can lead to improved chewing, speech, and overall oral function.

Enhanced Aesthetics:

Surgical orthodontics can significantly improve facial aesthetics by achieving better facial balance and symmetry.

Enhanced Quality of Life:

Individuals who undergo surgical orthodontics often experience improved self-esteem and confidence as a result of their transformed smile and facial appearance.

Long-Lasting Results:

When performed by experienced professionals and followed by proper post-surgical orthodontic care, the results of surgical orthodontics are long-lasting.

The Bottom Line

In Rochester, surgical orthodontics is a valuable option for individuals with complex orthodontic and skeletal issues. If you have been told that your orthodontic problems are too severe for traditional treatment, consider consulting with an experienced orthodontist and oral surgeon to explore the potential benefits of surgical orthodontics for your smile and overall well-being.

Posted on September 21, 2023